Friday, August 22, 2008


Our Cathedral which is only a few blocks from our new apartment. 

French Magnificence

A glorious French sunset from the top floor of our hotel

an amusing tale...

So i've been asked to tell this tale as apparently it has been making the rounds but unfortunately has not been relayed correctly. For posterity's sake here goes "The tale of the naked man...."
Once upon a time....I was told by my friend Shirlene that her apartment number was 313. Having told her I would stop by I take the stairs and paused outside room 313. I strained to hear a bit of English to assure myself it was the right room. Contemplating my options after hearing nothing, I chose to be brave and knock anyway. After a bit of rustling around the door is opened by French man lacking a very important object...his clothes. It is to be noted that he had done his best to hide behind the door and for that I thank him. Yet his attempt to hide seemed to only clarify the man's lack of dress. At this point neither French nor English came to i dumbly sat there for a moment then mumbled a pathetic "desolee" (sorry) and took off running. This is after he started smirking and trying to hide his laughter at my ever apparent embarrassment. All in all a lovely French experience from which I learned that when pondering whether to run or be brave. RUN LIKE HELL...either that or be brave and bring your camera ;)


These are my roommates. Caroline, Sarah, Tanya, Michael, Mandy (from L-R) We have rented the top floor of some apartments which are a 2 minute walk from school. there a 2 apartments right across the hall from each other. We wont be moving in til the 1st of September. Did i mention we have to haul everything up like 5 stories?!? oh and their stairs here have no set height difference which means yours truly is gonna have issues. Me and stairs dont exactly mix (as many of you already know...) but here's hoping that by the end of the year all of us will have buns and thighs of steel and not too many scars or bruises. lol. no AC either but hey most of the world still lives without this little amenity anyway. Here's to new friends and what is sure to be one hell of a year! 

j'adore marcher dans l'aix

I love strolling the streets here in Aix. Tis so relaxing and enjoyable to watch the French people, see their interactions while noting cultural differences. The architecture here is simply gorgeous and the boutiques sell quite an assortment of international items. From stores filled with laughing Buddhas to scarves, paintings, and shoes. The array is quite vast and yet not as shocking as passing a random Sephora, FootLocker, or Subway that reminds one of home. (yes they do have footlongs for 5 Euros) I just returned from a 2 hour walk with one of my roommates, Caroline. We walked the Cours Mirabeau which is the main drag in town. It is filled with lovely shop and had a sidewalk full of vendors selling their wares. I enjoyed some DELICIOUS caramel au lait ice cream. Then we hid in a doorway when a sudden rainfall took everyone by surprise. Bought some postcards - which I promise to send your way Amy! 
I'm gonna back up a bit in my story telling and fill you all in on the hilarious adventure that was my trip from the US to France. 

So......Sunday I went to Disneyland with the Pitottis and Koby and Hal. What better way to spend your last day stateside than at the happiest place on earth??!? we had  a marvelous time.
Ill be sure to post pics soon. After a tearful goodbye to my beloved Pitotti family, Koby and Hal drove me back to SD so they would be able to drop me off at the airport bright an early the next day. Woke up at 5, hoping beyond anything else that my luggage did not weigh over 50lbs thereby accumulating a $50 heavy baggage fee. arrived at the airport at 615 and weighed the first bag - 54lbs. I figured i could pull out 4 pounds and carry it or stuff it in my other bag. re-weighed them and VOILA...49 and 49.5lbs!!!! God is SO GOOD!!! talk about a blessing. 

Saw a lovely male specimen at the airport and was hoping that he would be my seat buddy on my flight to Minneapolis. No such luck and God obviously has a sense of humor because I had the "privilege" of sitting next to a single mom and 2 kids both under the age of 4 - all of whom had never flown before. All 3 of them in 2 seats!! Within moments of them sitting down I was juggling a 4 year old, coloring books, snacks, pouring a bottle and holding her purse while she tried to quiet the other screaming 2 year old. The little girl found humor in poking me everytime I tried to sleep. 3 hours later and one fat headache we landed. (keep on laughing)
I walked off the plane in Minneapolis to hear over the airport speaker "Last call for boarding flight 42 to Amsterdam." Yup. that's me. Hauled butt thru the airport and made it just in time. That flight did not prove nearly as eventful as the first. Enjoyed the company of a lovely Ethiopian woman. Watched Prince Caspian for the first time. Great movie!! Deplaned and I went from assisting my one Ethiopian friend find her flight to leading a posse of Ethiopians through the airport to their gate. A rather amusing site I'm sure. Next comes the Nigerian man who wanted to tell me all about his daughter who was getting married. This was my final flight from Amsterdam to Marseille and I was so doggone tired I think i fell asleep while he was talking BEFORE we'd even left the runway. I honestly dont remember even taking off!! Finally I land in France and now comes the new obstacle that is me hauling my 150+ pounds of luggage thru the airport onto a the RIGHT bus (which i found thanks to some blessed Scots) and then the most fun part was hauling it uphill over 2 miles of uneven ground to my hotel. Oh yes if only someone had taken a picture. the humor of the situation would never cease. So i am pushing and pulling my 2 suitcases, wearing my sweatshirt, carrying a backpack, another bag, tied on my purse and did i mention my wintercoat? oh yes and one must note it's over 90 degrees outside. LOL. after 2 days of travel i confess my aroma was not that of a sweet smelling rose. Almost to my hotel, this man in front of me turns around and asks if i speak english to which i reply "yes" in a most relieved sigh. Turns out he is the father of one of the guys in my program. 10 minutes later I find myself in a hotel room with a family of Mexicans eating and drinking trying to understand the flurry of Spanish as Grandma is trying to tell me not to party too much this year. A most gracious family, they truly were my own personal blessing as i had to wait several hours before i could check into my own room. Within a few hours I had been assigned a room with 3 other girls, Sara, Caroline and Tanya. All of whom are wonderful!! 
To sum up, a crazy few days of travel and I find myself seeing God work in so many ways. I am blessed with amazing roommates who I have clicked with so well that we have decided to live together all year plus a few extra people. Met my program directors who are hilarious and have been enjoying the sights. My roomies and I had the fun job of finding and apartment and managed to do so on the first day. Now while this might not seem a feat it was; in that all our negotiations at the housing agency were in FRENCH!!! slightly chaotic yet ever so amusing. 
My fingers are tired of typing but I will be sure to fill you all in on the last few days as well as include some more pics. 
Dont forget that those who would like to keep in touch can do so via email, facebook, or skype.
Miss you all!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

the french me

ancient beauty

This is the glorious cathedral in our lovely ville. It is kitty corner to the uni where our classes will be. I love the old architecture here in Aix. I cant wait to sit at one of the lovely cafes and sit and people watch while nursing a glass of French wine and an eclair. 

These are some of my new roomies. We look cool and boy what a group we are. From all over California and with a grouping of unique personalities we make a winning combination.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

this is me. take it or leave it.

C'est moi....a 25 year old college student currently living in Aix-en-Provence, France. I love living a nomadic lifestyle as many who know me are well aware of the fact that I dont stay in any one place too long. I love the unknown and the adventures that are possible if one is merely brave enough to seize the moment and be spontaneous. Music and travel as well as curling up with a good book, laughing hysterically, worshipping God, enjoying the company of good friends, and causing mischief are just a few of my passions. While I am not particularly prolific, I do hope this blog will keep you up-to-date on my most recent adventures in a somewhat amusing format. I honestly believe a picture is a worth a thousand words and I hope to be able to give you a glimpse of my European adventure through the wonder that is photography. (once I figure out how to upload pics that is). I'll keep working on figuring this blog thing out - until then this is Loni signing revoir!
Note: For those looking to contact me email is the best way -