Friday, August 22, 2008

an amusing tale...

So i've been asked to tell this tale as apparently it has been making the rounds but unfortunately has not been relayed correctly. For posterity's sake here goes "The tale of the naked man...."
Once upon a time....I was told by my friend Shirlene that her apartment number was 313. Having told her I would stop by I take the stairs and paused outside room 313. I strained to hear a bit of English to assure myself it was the right room. Contemplating my options after hearing nothing, I chose to be brave and knock anyway. After a bit of rustling around the door is opened by French man lacking a very important object...his clothes. It is to be noted that he had done his best to hide behind the door and for that I thank him. Yet his attempt to hide seemed to only clarify the man's lack of dress. At this point neither French nor English came to i dumbly sat there for a moment then mumbled a pathetic "desolee" (sorry) and took off running. This is after he started smirking and trying to hide his laughter at my ever apparent embarrassment. All in all a lovely French experience from which I learned that when pondering whether to run or be brave. RUN LIKE HELL...either that or be brave and bring your camera ;)


annie.michele said...

All the exciting things happen to you. ;)

Beks said...

Let's all be honest Loni, you liked it! Kidding!


Anastasia said...

This is like that one time when I walked in on my French roommate bleaching her body hair. Aw-kward!

dom. said...

this is like something in a sex in the city awkward!!!

malheureusement, this will probably be one of many french men you will see nearly naked...

Um...I mean, since nakedness is a public affair here! Yikes!